About our stock: Usually if the Iaito Sword is available to buy, it should be in stock and can be shipped within 1-2 days after receiving your payment. It might be possible the item is still out of stock in case we've sold it somewhere else on the same day. In that case we will inform you immediately.
In case the item is out of stock and you still would like to buy it, please note that it might take several months to receive your sword as they are all made by hand here in Japan.
Iaido is the art of Japanese Swordsmanship. The word itself has a number of meanings and interpretations. Each is dependent on a subjective translation as the word itself like many Japanese martial concepts do not translate into English at all easily. The word is comprised of 3 Japanese characters: i-ai-do. The purpose of Iaido training is the development of self, not only in physical but also in the moral and spiritual term.
※ Specification:
- Blade: sand type special alloy
- Total length: 106cm / 41.7in
- Blade length: 74cm / 29.1in
- Handle Length: 25.5cm / 10in
- Total weight: 1030g / 2.27lbs (780g / 1.7lbs without sheath)
※ Caution in use:
- The blade does not actually cut.
- Do not use to point at people.
- The product does not include the sword stand as in the picture.