About the AWC Magazine - Issue 154 Download
Once a lift is properly set up to clean windows, workplace accidents are infrequent, according to AWC contributor Ron Friman. However, moving a lift into a position to clean windows is the real danger. Friman says accidents that happen during lift transition are due to lack of training, misapplication of the machine, or obstacles in the way.
Happy workers mean higher profits. AWC contributor Philip M. Perry shares tips on how to promote good workplace vibes. His first tip is to develop and maintain a healthy and emotional outlook and then instill it into your employees. He also tacks on how to handle negative people and what to do to reinvoke charisma.
In the previous edition, chief correspondent Bob Lawrence reported on various window cleaners, suppliers, and manufacturers who revealed little known facts about themselves. He continues the article by covering a window cleaner who is also an author, among other interesting people of the trade!
- Learn about the hidden fees of borrowed money
- Why holiday lighting makes for a great add-on business
- When you should call your preexisting customers to schedule appointments
- How single-person window cleaners make a profit