Digitaly Re-Mastered
ALL TIME CLASSIC - Taught by Morihiro Saito Sensei Direct disciple of the Architect of Aikido MORIHEI UESHIBA
Morihiro Saito was one of the senior students of the architect of Aikido Moreihei Ueshiba. In this production you will learn the entire sword syllabus of Aikido the way the master taught it to his disciples. You will learn not just the basic techniques and take aways but also training drills combinations, offensive and defensive techniques You will also see a complete full color demonstration by Master Saito that is simply put phenomenal. He is also seen teaching a class of Aikido. This is one of those rare DVDs that was lost until recently and was shot at the same time his 5 volume book series was photographed. This series of course is no longer in print and the few copies that are available sell for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. If you have ever wanted to see a full dvd of a master teaching and demonstrating the defense and offense of the sword this is it. There is nothing better available . Most of this is in B/W and is very high quality and some of it is in full color.